Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – 5 Keys Facts to Know

June is observed as PTSD month, meant to create greater awareness about the mental condition and highlight the plight of those who suffer from it. Because of how it is often portrayed in media, PTSD has come to often be associated with wartime trauma. However, the truth is that PTSD can develop in anyone. A natural disaster, loss of loved ones, accidents, or prolonged episodes of violence are just some other experiences that can lead to the risk of developing PTSD. In this article, we have listed some of the key facts about Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.

1. Prevalence

PTSD is far more common than most will realize. 70% of adults in the United States will experience at least one traumatic event in their lifetime. Of them, roughly 20% will develop some form of PTSD. It is estimated that around 8 million people in the country suffer from PTSD every year. Around 1 in 13 people are at risk of developing PTSD at some point in their life.

2. PTSD and Gender

PTSD has been found to be more than twice as prevalent among women as men despite slightly less likely to suffer a traumatic event. However, on average, the most common type of trauma suffered differed between genders. Women were more likely to suffer sexual or childhood abuses while men were more likely to experience violent events such as physical assault, combat, unnatural deaths, and disasters.

3. PTSD More Common Among Today’s Adolescents

While PTSD affects an estimated 3.6 percent of American adults, the figure rises higher to 5% among adolescents. PTSD is more prevalent in the later teen years with the figure almost doubling from 3.7% for teens aged 13–14 is to 7% in the 17–18 age group. PTSD rate was found to be more than three times higher among girls compared to boys.

4. PTSD in Military

Statistics from the military show that PTSD is all too common among members of the military. In the most recent Iraq and Afghan wars, the rate of PTSD was found to be between 11% and 20% for any given year. Among Vietnam veterans, the rate shot up to 30%. PTSD also much more common among female members of the armed forces. However, the leading cause of trauma was not direct conflict but sexual abuse.

5. PTSD and Other Risks

People who develop PTSD are also at a higher risk of other mental conditions as well. People with PTSD were found to also be 3 to 5 times more likely to suffer from depression. Nearly half of PTSD sufferers will develop substance abuse disorder. Roughly 10% of people with PTSD also will experience panic disorder—a rate much higher than what is found in the general U.S population.


Over the past several decades, medical and behavioral science have made significant advances in the diagnosis, management, and treatment of PTSD. Therapy currently focuses on a combination of medical and cognitive therapy. Because PTSD is slightly different for each individual there is no single cure or approach to treatment. The best outcomes are seen with individualized therapy tailored to the specific symptoms and emotional dynamics of each client.

At Key Assets Kentucky, our clinicians are experienced in treating clients with adult and pediatric PTSD. We offer psychotherapeutic treatment options (including Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy) and work closely with each client to develop a treatment plan that works. If you or a loved one is experiencing symptoms indicative of PTSD, contact Key Assets today. We’re here to help.

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We’re Here for You

Key Assets Kentucky is mental health counseling provider with a mission to provide cost-effective and quality mental healthcare services for all Kentuckians. If you are suffering from PTSD or know anyone that does, get in touch immediately with our kind and compassionate staff members by calling 859.286.5744.

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